Colorado Supreme Court

Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel

Promoting Professionalism. Protecting the Public.

Helping Us De-Stress: The National Lawyer Well-Being Week


Outreach and Volunteer Manager, Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program


Helping Us De-Stress: The National Lawyer Well-Being Week for individuals, organizations, and law firms is May 4-8, 2020.  Look for pre-planned ideas and activities that are “remote and virtual friendly.”  Participation is crucial to increase our well-being during stressful and uncertain times.  For example, consider the following:


·      Re-examine your New Year’s intentions for 2020 or re-up your Spring Cleaning for a more organized practice or personal life.  During times of remote work, having a set schedule for yourself and your family can also help structure your days in a meaningful way;

·      Along with the work-related calls and virtual meetings, schedule time with friends.  With technology as our friend, you don’t have to wait until you are together to enjoy coffee and chat.  Remaining connected during times of isolation is key;

·      Connect with your colleagues and regularly check-in to support each other’s well-being goals or provide vital social connection; or

·      Circulate daily well-being “tips and tricks” organization wide.


If you would like tailored ideas for increasing well-being with your team, or you would like to talk to a professional about your own stressors, reach out to your free and confidential Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program (COLAP) at (303) 986-3345.  Materials and a toolkit for Lawyer Well-Being Week, and more resources for Colorado judges, lawyers, and law students, can also be found on our website:


Stay tuned for more news from Colorado’s Attorney Well-being Taskforce coming in the next edition!